Goodbye, Mountee

May 15, 2014 1 min read

I just read the news and it’s not good: John and Padraig are no longer maintaining and supporting Mountee, the magical Mac app that let me work with EE templates like plain old files in Sublime Text. I could search and replace across templates, add/delete/rename, change PHP and cache settings from finder, and have a lovely time of it.

After a brief panic and some cranky grumbling I’ve saved all my templates as files for the first time. I’m not looking forward to this "synchronize templates" step that’ll be required with every change, and my productivity is bound to take a dip until I figure out how Mountee-less EE humans have been coping all along.

Craft looks that much better now and it didn’t even have to do anything this time!

Update 10/16/14: Nevermind! Hop Studios has taken ownership of Mountee and will apparently keep it going. Now that I’ve got flat, versionable templates I’m not sure I can go back though.


Updated 6/16/19 at 7:24pm