Goodbye Slicehost, Hello BlipBleepBloop

November 13, 2009 2 min read

A week ago, I logged into the Slicehost admin panel, took a deep breath, and looked down at my index finger. I held my breath and clicked, and deleted my beloved Slice. Despite the fact that Slicehost will always have a special place in my nerdy little heart, I’m moving on.

The talented and wonderfully-bearded Scott Thiessen and I have started a new project called BlipBleepBloop. It’s our own tiny hosting company that we’re using for clients and to which we’re inviting a handful of folks.

I’m proud to be running all of my non-development sites off of a Blip account, which will inherently improve our service since both Scott and I are running our own sites there. Everything has been comfortably stable and speedy, and we’re working hard to pretty up cPanel. (Which we’re both thrilled about since we’ve each encountered so many shamelessly ugly themes in our past.)

Since we don’t have the ability to offer subversion hosting, I’ve moved my repositories to Beanstalk, which I couldn’t be happier with.

Want to know more about BlipBleepBloop packages? You won’t find any specs or ordering info on our website, so email us if you’re interested. That’s the idea: small and personal.



Updated 6/16/19 at 7:25pm